Wednesday 27 August 2008

Picture from Flickr

The benefits of social networking around images include having the opportunity to capture events in print that cannot be captured by words; having a picture evidence and record of activities; having an album with images that are available long after the originals are gone, giving generations to come something visual to see and Some pictures carry more weight than words.

Some of the problems of social networking around images include copyrights that may be violated; It can be edited and so can be altered and end up not giving a true picture; sometimes pictures may not be uploaded or displayed accurately and this can distort the true message.

1 comment:

openlearners said...

Hi Longret,
I think you raise some important points about copyright in respect of user-generated content such as images. Some people argue that placing images and other content into a social networking space signals an intention to participate and share across the community for anyone to use as they will whilst others say that does not mean a loss of rights.

The same applies with distortion and re-purposing of materials put there by others. Some would say that the whole point of putting content into a social network is to see and allow others to be creative with that content. Contributions are seen as the material for what's known as mashups.

Good observations anyway. Thank you.